Monday, November 10, 2008

Night Road by A.M. Jenkins

Night Road by A.M. Jenkins is a different kind of vampire book. This book looks at the lives of vampires and how difficult it would be to live as one. Most of the books out now glamorize the vampire way of life, but Night Road explores how hard it would be to outlive everyone you care about and to have to rely on unsuspecting humans for food. It is really an interesting way of looking at vampire-life with a little bit of romance and danger to thrown in to the mix.

Cole has been a vampire for almost 200 years. He has seen many changes in the world and has learned how to deal with his circumstances by traveling around and avoiding relationships of any kind. When he is summoned to the Building in Manhattan, Cole knows something is going on. In the Building he meets Gordon, a new vampire who is just learning the way of life and how he is supposed to act. Cole is asked to take Gordon on the road and teach him how to live as a vampire. Gordon is a reluctant student who just wants his old life back. And Cole is forced to confront his many demons of the past as he teaches Gordon to avoid these same pitfalls. Of course, Gordon's refusals to give up his past life causes dangers for them all. But most of all, Gordon must succeed in learning how to manage his new lifestyle or it will be Cole's responsibility to destroy him.

This book is a fresh new look at the vampire way of life!

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