Thursday, November 1, 2012

Every Day by David Levithan

 I am not sure what to say about Every Day by David Levithan.  It is weird!  But once I started it, I couldn't put it down.  I picked it up because I loved Dash and Lily's Book of Dares which he wrote with Rachel Cohn and Will Grayson, Will Grayson which he wrote with John Green, but this book was really different.

A. lives in a different body everyday.  Each morning he wakes up as a different person.  All the body's he inhabits are 16 and within a relatively short distance from each other, but he might be a girl one cay and a boy the next.  And he never inhabits the same body more than once.  He doesn't know why this happens, just that this is the way his life is and he has never questioned it.  However, one day he wakes up as Justin and when he meets Justin's girlfriend Rhianon, he falls in love.  Now A. cannot imagine being without her.  Because A. switches bodies every day, this is a very complicated relationship.  And a very strange one! 

Like I said, this book was impossible to to stop reading once I started.  It makes one think about who you really love:  is the person they are on the outside or the person they are on the inside?  Or a combination?  It is a fascinating story.

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